Award-Winning Christian Author, Noah Asher, knows all about chaos. Years ago, he was incarcerated and tried taking his life. But it didn't work...(obviously because here he is)! After getting out, he worked as a Front Desk Associate for a popular hotel chain and just three weeks of working there, they promoted him to General Manager! He ended up moving into Director of Operations. But after a few years, he felt called to leave and start his own publishing company. In February 2024, he published CHAOS: Overcoming the Overwhelming. He's been using all proceeds of the book to make it possible to get it to you for FREE on your tablet!
CHAOS: Overcoming the Overwhelming and his new podcast, INSIDE OUT, are all about Hope, Help, Humor. Noah Asher said, "I remember what it was like sitting in my cell and thinking life was over. I was hopeless. I was helpless. I couldn't see anything while in my pit of pity. But then I began spending time in God's Word. I realized there was purpose in my pain and in my past. I realized I could still go on to big things. And now as I sit on the other side of my chaos, I know I don't want anyone to ever feel these overwhelming thoughts. So I wrote CHAOS...I want to bring Hope, Help, Humor to a world of hurting people."
We pray you will read CHAOS: Overcoming the Overwhelming and listen to INSIDE OUT. We pray that Jesus will flood you with His peace, His joy, His hope, His presence. "Most often what we think is a season of suffering is really a season of schooling." (Noah Asher). We pray you will use this time to GROW!
You are loved.